Gospel Centered Enneagram

Paul writes in his exhortation to Timothy,For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV). This is a wonderful way to explain the Centers of Intelligence on the Enneagram. In order to combat fear (as well as shame, anger, and any other destructive emotion), God has given us three ways to address it.


Gut Center


Our Body Center is our power: our physical bodies carry us through our world, and we are able to do good work on Earth because our bodies make it possible with energy, movement, speech, and action. Just one example comes from Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”

Instincts and Intuition

Struggle: Anger Desire: Justice

Type 8: use their anger with intensity to protect the innocent

Type 9: ignore their anger to maintain peace and include others

Type 1: repress their anger because they believe it is wrong, and seek to correct injustices

Heart Center


Our Heart Center is our love: we are able to connect with others through emotions, empathy, and community. We are able to understand who God is and how He loves us because of our Heart Center.

Emotions and Feelings

Struggle: Shame Desire: Significance

Type 2: very in tune with other people's emotions; desire to be seen as supportive and selfless

Type 3: ignore their emotions in order to achieve goals; desire to be seen as successful

Type 4: deeply experience their own emotions; desire to be seen as unique from all others

Head Center


Our Head Center is our mind and self-discipline (the phrase used in more modern translations). With logic and reason, we are able to observe our world, draw conclusions, and develop strategies to act. We develop a sound mind (self-discipline) when we allow the Holy Spirit full control in our lives, resting in the Lord’s provision and guidance instead of striving and planning for ourselves.

Thoughts and Mental Analysis

Struggle: Anxiety Desire: Security

Type 5: anxious that they are not knowledgable, so they seek security by learning and spending time alone

Type 6: anxious that anything could go wrong, so they seek security by planning for all outcomes and creating a support system

Type 7: anxious when they focus on their inner world and emotions, so they seek security by engaging in external fun and excitement

Without these three centers, we cannot be human. As humans, we use our three centers as a defense against the world. But in God’s grace, He has given us a purpose beyond this world that requires the greatest strengths of our three centers. This is our promise that He will teach us to strengthen our Centers of Intelligence and use them for His purposes: “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Phil. 1:6 NLT)