Hi Mama!

I’m Elizabeth Brennan

I help moms (of all ages and stages) refresh what they believe about themselves in a world determined to tell them who they should be. I use the elegance of the Enneagram as a tool to uncover their true identity and show them their path to confidence and purpose.

So What’s The Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a typology system that describes human personality as one of nine connected and complimentary personality types. It is an excellent tool for developing your self-awareness, which is critical for building healthy relationships with yourself and with others.

Why it matters

I am a type 6.

I first learned about the Enneagram in September 2019. I was just a few months away from becoming a mother, but I felt lost in a world that was telling me I had to be more than that. Learning about my Enneagram type helped me understand that no matter how I feel right now, God has a plan for me, and He is actively working that plan into place. He doesn't need me to do anything but love Him and serve others.

My goal for Sound Mind Enneagram is to use the Enneagram as a tool to help others see themselves as God sees them. I firmly believe that 2 Timothy 1:7 is a promise to all of us. 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Refresh your view of you!

I want you to know that you don’t have to create anything in yourself to become better because God has already given you a “spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” I want you to feel capable to observe yourself, use your observations to make wise choices, and then feel confident in those choices. I want you to feel steadfast in the Lord, knowing that He is ever-present and all-powerful. 

Let’s Get Started



One hour consultation on who you believe yourself to be, what you desire to believe, and if my coaching is right for you.



Your Type

One 90 Minute session to identify your core Enneagram Type and begin your journey to a whole new understanding about yourself.



Your Type

Five 90 minute sessions created to grow your understanding of your unique type and how it can give you confidence and purpose in God’s design for your life.
